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SecureCloud Experts SecureCloud Experts

Maximum security with managed security services

Rely on our Managed Security Services for robust protection against cyber threats – without needing to hire your own security experts.

  • Support for your internal IT team.
  • Meeting the requirements of cyber insurance.
  • Review of security incidents by our experts (Managed XDR).
  • Compliance with regulatory requirements (such as ISO27001, NIS2, TISAX, etc.).
  • Protection of your company with cutting-edge Microsoft Cloud Security technologies.
Das Team von SecureCloud Experts am Monitor.

A list of the following clients: Unico Data AG, Softpur GmbH, SAMexpert Ltd., and Alescent, Inc..

Unico Logo.
SAMexpert Ltd.

Your company with Managed Security Service

This is what your daily operations could soon look like:

Overburdened internal IT team

Internal, smaller IT teams in companies without managed security service often have to take on all security tasks in addition to their daily business. This leads to overwork, frustration, and increases the likelihood of a security incident due to unnoticed misconfigurations. Additionally, there is often not enough time to stay up-to-date with the latest security solutions.

Minimization of security risks

Our Managed Security Services proactively protect your company from cyberattacks, and in the event of a security incident, recovery through secured configurations is quick and efficient. This reduces operational downtime and enables the company to swiftly return to normal operations.

Slow or inadequate handling of security incidents:

Security incidents are either not addressed at all or are handled with delays. This increases the risk of potential threats going undetected and causing damage.

Long-term support for company goals

The IT systems are designed to support business goals in the long term and create a stable foundation for the company’s growth. This makes your company more resilient to threats and benefits from a scalable, secure IT system.

Faulty or vulnerable security configurations:

The current IT landscape has vulnerabilities in security configurations that make the company vulnerable to attacks. Existing tools and resources are reaching their limits, and the lack of automation further amplifies this risk.

Enhanced compliance and security:

Our Managed Security Services contribute to meeting compliance requirements such as ISO27001 and NIS2, minimizing the risk of regulatory violations and associated penalties. The Zero-Trust approach is established to promote a comprehensive security culture within the company and uphold security standards.

Do you want to reduce your business risk?

Typical problems without managed security services

IT staff are often overwhelmed by daily operations, leading to misconfigurations and resulting security issues. Compliance with regulations such as GDPR, NIS2, or ISO27001 often seems like an insurmountable challenge, while the constant concern about a cyberattack looms over the company.

Security incidents can occur at any time and potentially have serious consequences. The team faces new threats daily, but limited resources often result in delayed security measures.

Increasing regulatory requirements and the risk of hefty fines add to the pressure, while the necessary capacity to meet all regulations is lacking.

Bitkom Cyberangriffe.

More Security with Managed Security Services

With our Managed Security Services, we take a proactive approach that continuously monitors and enhances your company’s IT security. Our experts automatically detect and resolve misconfigurations or deviations from your tailored security strategy before they become risks.

Our team manages security-related tasks for you and strategically deploys our resources to support your internal teams, allowing them to focus on strategic projects and core business operations. We also assist you in meeting legal requirements such as GDPR, NIS2, and ISO27001.

Valentin Keiling Office Augsburg.
Valentin Keiling · Cyber Security Architect
In short
Better protected against cyberattacks – with us as your certified
Microsoft partner.

100% non-binding | Personal consultation on Managed Security

SAMexpert Ltd.
Unico Logo.

This is what customers say about working with us.


"We needed to migrate our M365 tenant and secure it afterwards. We tried reaching out to other companies but could not get the necessary peace of mind from anyone. Although it's a complex operation, Tobias and his team made it look almost too easy. We truly appreciated the planning, the preparation, and the execution. I also would like to personally commend Tobias for his knowledge of IT security, proactive approach, and overall customer care. We’ll be cooperating more in the future."

  • + Smooth, well-executed M365 tenant migration with a strong focus on security.
  • + Outstanding planning, preparation, and execution that inspired confidence.
  • + High level of IT security expertise and proactive customer care from Tobias and his team.
Alexander Golev - CEO von SAMexpert Ltd.

Alexander Golev · CEO, SAMexpert Ltd.

We specialize in Managed Security Services that protect your company and ease the workload of your IT staff.

Our clients rely on us because we deliver on our promises.

Microsoft Certified - Azure Virtual Desktop Specialty Microsoft Certified - Azure Virtual Desktop Specialty Microsoft Certified - Azure Virtual Desktop Specialty

Why IT Security Works Better with Managed Security Services from SecureCloud Experts

Fewer security risks

Without a reliable IT security partner, your company is at risk of falling victim to a preventable attack that could lead to immense costs and, in the worst case, threaten your business’s existence. We provide a clear picture of your actual security status. Say goodbye to a false sense of security.

Continuous development

Without continuous monitoring of specific IT security risks in your environment, your company remains vulnerable to new and increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks. Vulnerabilities are quickly exploited by attackers, and without ongoing development of the security configuration, timely and effective protection is hardly possible.

Tailored security strategies

Every company has unique security requirements – and we tailor our solutions precisely to meet them. Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, we provide customized security strategies that perfectly align with your protection needs and strengthen your customers’ trust in your IT security.

✘ Your IT security before:

  • the actual security risks are unknown.
  • internal IT is overwhelmed by numerous security tasks.
  • Priorities are not clear.
  • High costs due to security incidents.

✔ Your IT security after:

  • You know the vulnerabilities precisely.
  • significantly improved IT security…
  • … and a significantly reduced business risk.
  • Your IT team is relieved, as we coordinate relevant security tasks.
  • Time and cost savings through automation.

In today’s world, trust is not a luxury, but a necessity.

Especially when it comes to IT security. At SecureCloud Experts, we understand that businesses want to see proof of effectiveness before committing to long-term partnerships and significant investments in new security solutions.

That’s why we go beyond basic protection with our Managed Security Service: We create transparency and build trust – from the initial consultation to ongoing support. Our experts are dedicated not only to securing your IT systems against current threats but also to ensuring you always have full visibility of your security status.

With us by your side, you can be confident that your data and systems are protected according to the latest standards, and rest assured that you’ve made the right choice. Security you can rely on – 24/7, without compromise.

Tobias Leitner - Geschäftsführer von SecureCloud Experts GmbH.
Tobias Leitner · CEO of SecureCloud Experts

These are the reasons why companies rely on Managed Security Services from SecureCloud Experts.

Clear processes and structures ensure a stress-free collaboration.

Companies without Managed Security Service
  • ✘ Security tasks overwhelm your internal resources.
  • ✘ Ad-hoc measures without a long-term plan.
  • ✘ Difficulties in meeting legal requirements.
  • ✘ No clear picture of the IT security status.
  • ✘ Lack of preparation for critical incidents.
With Managed Security Service
  • ✓ High expertise through a variety of successful projects.
  • ✓ Proactive measures and continuous development.
  • ✓ Compliance with key regulations such as GDPR, ISO27001, NIS2.
  • ✓ Overview of the current IT security status.
  • ✓ Security configurations are quickly recoverable.
  • ✓ Quick detection of misconfigurations.

We let our customers speak.

Softpur GmbH

Kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung der IT-Sicherheits- und Cloud-Infrastruktur

Wir arbeiten seit mehreren Jahren sehr erfolgreich mit dem Team der SecureCloud Experts zusammen. SCE ist nicht nur für unsere Cloud-Infrastruktur und IT-Sicherheit zuständig, sondern sorgt durch kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung dafür, dass wir stets auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik sind. Besonders hervorzuheben sind die professionelle und gleichzeitig unkomplizierte Zusammenarbeit sowie das außergewöhnliche Engagement des gesamten Teams. Der Servicegedanke steht bei SCE an erster Stelle: Dank der schnellen Reaktionszeiten und des direkten Drahts zu den Experten fühlen wir uns rundum bestens betreut. Diese Zusammenarbeit ist für uns ein echter Gewinn.

Jürgen Bornewasser
Geschäftsführer, Softpur GmbH

Alescent, Inc.

Automatisierung von komplexen, manuell ausgeführten Aufgaben

We wanted to automate the downsizing of Managed Disks and run automated performance measurements of Virtual Machines in Azure to support our Cloud Economic Optimization service with automation of cumbersome, manually executed tasks. We have received excellent support from SecureCloud Experts, especially from their Azure specialist Daniel, who has been an extension of our team for the last 6 months. We will continue to work with the SCE team as we gradually automate more of our patterns.

Stefan Denk
Cloud Economic Optimization Practice Lead, Alescent, Inc.

Unico Data AG

Zuverlässiger Partner für Microsoft Cloud Lösungen

Das Team von SecureCloud Experts unterstützt uns umfassend im Bereich Microsoft Azure, speziell bei Azure Virtual Desktop sowie Microsoft 365 Security und Endpoint Management. Wir möchten nicht nur die herausragende fachliche Kompetenz des gesamten Teams hervorheben, sondern vor allem die außerordentlich hohe Servicequalität betonen. Hier stimmt einfach alles: Die Kommunikation erfolgt stets auf Augenhöhe, und sowohl unsere Kunden als auch unsere Mitarbeiter schätzen die Zusammenarbeit mit SecureCloud Experts gleichermaßen. Wir sind bereits mehrfach von unseren Kunden für die aussergewöhnliche Kompetenz unserer externen Mitarbeiter von SecureCloud Experts gelobt worden. Wirklich ein Partner, auf den wir uns jederzeit verlassen können.

Johannes Röhrenbach
Chief Innovation & Product Officer

We take your security to the next level.

  • Fast response times and direct access to experts.

  • A partnership built for the long term.

  • Custom solutions for your IT security.

SecureCloud Experts SecureCloud Experts

These customers have already benefited from our services:

Unico Logo.
SAMexpert Ltd.